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  • Writer's pictureBreakwater Theatre

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Updated: Nov 18, 2023

Well, 2019 has been a year of ups and downs for us at Breakwater Towers. We had a very busy year and are looking forward to a restful Christmas holiday. The company is currently on hiatus as our Artistic Director - Andy Evans - is currently a full-time student at the University of Lincoln studying for an MA in Theatre. This, combined with funding issues and some political uncertainty following the election in December 2019 means that we have no shows planned until Easter 2020.

We will not be accepting any work or offering our reading services at the moment but will make sure that everyone realises when we are open again for business in 2020.

Thanks to everyone who has helped to make Breakwater a success during 2019 -- especially our principal supporter for the year, Lincs Inspire.

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