What we offer
We don't charge any writers who want to submit work to us. We seek to share our experience with others in the hope of engendering creativity and originality. If you have work you would like us to read then feel free to send it to info@breakwatertheatre.co.uk and we will endeavor to read it and give you feedback. If you would like us to consider staging your work, we recommend that you read our top 5 tips for submission elsewhere on this site. The best way to find out about us though, is to come to one of our performances to see what we are all about. Introduce yourself and speak to one of our team. We don't bite.

Producing new work
As a company we seek to produce new and original work for the stage. This doesn't mean its NEVER been produced or performed elsewhere, simply that it remains new or emerging work at this stage. We seek to stage fully rehearsed plays as well as script in hand scratch nights and have had our work performed at many venues.
We offer a platform
Our scratch nights are initially, the perfect platform for your work to be seen. We cannot offer payment but it is often a reward in itself to see your work performed live to an audience who will offer their opinion on your work as they experience it. In many cases it has helped writers build their CVs and their confidence to work elsewhere.
Writer Development
Many writers with differing levels of experience in writing for the stage have worked with us, supplying new writing for the stage and our team work to help writers develop artistically and creatively. We have had writers produce radio plays and stage plays which have found audiences beyond the confines of Breakwater itself. We want to build up the writer's resilience and openness to new ideas and new ways of seeing their work.
Our opening night in Cleethorpes - March 2013
We set up the company, hired the room, persuaded writers to write for us and booked the actors who were going to perform and a local media company were on hand to record it all for us.
Breakwater Theatre Company
This video tells you a little bit more about what we do as a company.