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When Hacker Met Salty

Beachside Comic Con Cleethorpes July 23 2023.

by Andy Evans (Artistic Director Kazbah Theatre and builder of Salty)

Thanks to National Treasure Phil Fletcher for taking such a keen interest in our very own sunken treasure, Salty the Sea Dog. The two met at Cleethorpes Beachside Comic Con.

I had let Phil know I would be coming with Salty in advance and he was delighted to meet him when I found Phil's stand. We discussed puppet building and materials s well as performance technique and Phil enjoyed meeting Salty so much he pose for a series of selfies for me.

When offered the chance to have a play with Salty, he enjoyed checking out the build and working out which materials had originally been used for the original puppet that I had bought at a costume and props sale for £20 a couple of years ago.

I decided that it ight be interesting to show a "before and after" along with some of the photos as I was creating Salty.

I think pre-Salty, he was an excellent puppet, but I felt no connection to him as a character and was lost as to what to do with him. Since his transformation and re-birth into Salty, he has found his niche and is all the better for it!

And as a last favour to me Phil donned Salty and let me record him operating him... To see the video on YouTube Shorts click here

Many thanks to Phil for a memorable meeting of two puppet dogs!

Andy Evans 23 July 2023

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